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Our Story

My Story

I have always been interested in the area of Women’s health. And my interest heightened around the time my husband and I decided to try to conceive. I found it very difficult trying to navigate my way through ALL the information, and I genuinely struggled trying to understand it all. I hated it when people told me to RELAX!!! It did take time to conceive, and during my trying to conceive days, I always vowed that if I fell pregnant, I would work in the area of women’s health, and try and pass on my knowledge to other couples embarking on their fertility journey. And that was the beginning of Positive Health. So, if you are trying to conceive, or you are undergoing fertility treatment, have experienced a loss, and you are looking for guidance and support, please feel free to get in touch.


I’m a member of the Advanced fertility support practitioners, we are a group of registered Acupuncturists who have undergone advanced training in areas such as complex diseases in fertility and pregnancy, immunological issues and recurrent miscarriage.

I’m also a member of AFPI, we are a group of established and registered acupuncturists who provide treatments for fertility, pregnancy, pre-birth and post-natal and paediatrics. We work alongside, and in collaboration with existing fertility and maternity services in Ireland.

Having completed my post graduate clinical training under Dr Ouyang in Government hospital in Nanjing in China, I have constantly kept abreast with my fertility and obstetric training and have been fortunate to train with many specialists, notably, Trevor Wing, Debra Betts, Jane Lyttleton,
Naava Carmen to name a few.

I am a registered member with Acupuncture foundation professional association, and Irish Reflexologist institute.




I had been trying to conceive for almost 3 years before I met Julie. At that stage I had been under a consultant in a fertility clinic and I was completely lost when it came to what steps to take next. Within weeks Julie had outlined all the steps I needed to take and which steps weren’t necessary for my specific case. Her knowledge in fertility alone made me so much more relaxed and calm knowing I had somebody to guide me through this difficult time. Along with her treatments and wisdom we are now successfully pregnant and almost due our long and much anticipated baby. It has been a long road for us to get here but we could not be more grateful and without her guidance we would not be where we are today.

Age 30



Advanced Level Diploma Fertility Support Acupuncture
Acupuncture Fertility & Pregnancy Ireland
Irish Reflexology Institute Limited
Acupuncture Foundation

Get in touch

Naas, Co Kildare

087 6849249

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